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Cancellation Policy

What is the Cancellation Policy?

I have a 24-hour cancellation policy - this means that if you cancel or reschedule your session within 24 hours of the session time, your card on file will be charged for the full session amount. However, if you reschedule to a different time in the same week, the cancellation policy will often not apply. If you fail to show up to a session (no-show), the cancellation policy still applies even if you reschedule within the same week. If you cancel outside of 24 hours, there is no fee whatsoever. Cancelling & rescheduling is a routine part of therapy, and there is only ever the possibility of a fee when it's inside of 24 hours.
*A session that is late-cancelled or no-showed cannot be submitted to insurance for reimbursement - that would be considered fraud.


When does the Cancellation Policy not apply?

  • If you reschedule outside of 24 hours and I don't see the message until inside of 24 hours

  • If you give me some notice (even if under 24 hours) and reschedule within the same week

  • If I am responsible for cancelling the session (including if my internet prevents me from connecting to a virtual session)

  • If you are sick with the flu, COVID, other serious illness, or if there is a true emergency - if you get into a car accident, have to go to the ER, etc.

When does the Cancellation Policy still apply?

  • If you forgot about the session

  • If you have a headache, feel run down, are too tired, etc.

  • If your internet prevents you from connecting to a virtual session

  • If your work schedule changes, a babysitter cancels and you can't find childcare, etc.

  • If you reschedule 23 hours and 59 minutes from our session time - the 24 hours is a firm cutoff

  • If you are feeling under the weather or have a common cold - we can move from in-person to virtual​ but if you choose to cancel/reschedule the policy still applies

Are there Any Alternatives to Paying the Cancellation Fee?

In some situations there are alternatives that work well. If you usually see me in-office and won't be able to make it in-person, I often am able to meet virtually at the same time. I do prefer to see virtual clients on Tuesdays & Thursdays, but if it's late notice I'm often able to meet virtually instead, even on Mondays & Wednesdays. Also, if I'm seeing you as a couple and one partner can't make it, I'm more than happy to meet with the other partner individually for that session (if both partners are comfortable with this); in this situation if you would rather cancel, the policy still applies. 

Why Do I Have a Cancellation Policy?

The cancellation policy is not a punishment for cancelling a session. It is a policy put into place so that I can continue to provide the best quality care for all of my clients. For most therapists (including myself), we make a living by seeing clients - we are paid by the hours we meet with clients. This means that if I schedule a client for a slot and they cancel within 24 hours, it's very unlikely I'll be able to fill that slot - therefore, it would be an hour that I would miss out on because I reserved it for that client and they cancelled.

It is also due to the nature of work for a therapist - while a medical doctor can see 35 patients within a day, a therapist usually sees a maximum of 6-8 clients per day.

Also, the cost of therapy isn't just about the 50 minutes in-session. Part of the cost is reserving that hour with me - if you schedule for Wednesday at 6pm, that's 50 minutes that you're reserving in my week. If you realize within 24 hours of that time that you can't make it, you still have reserved that time with me, even if we don't end up having a session then. It's similar to buying a ticket to an event - if you're unable or change your mind about going to that event, you've still already paid for it. 

This policy is also in effect for the sake of other clients - if a session is cancelled late, that was an hour that could have gone to another client if it was available.

So to re-emphasize,
the cancellation policy/fee is not a punishment - there are no hard feelings when this happens. The application of this policy also doesn't reflect the quality of therapeutic relationship that we have - this policy applies to all of my clients, whether I've been working with you for years, or weeks. And if you are not comfortable with this policy, then it is absolutely your choice to select a clinician that you feel comfortable with their policies and practices. However, if you are comfortable with this policy, then I look forward to working with you!


Contact Info



Phone Number


101 E Chestnut St,
West Chester, PA 19380

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